Our lawyers and specialists solve the whole range of issues on cooperation with customs authorities, as well as assist in developing strategies for organizing the importation of goods for domestic consumption, export, temporary importation, and other customs procedures, taking into account the application of customs clearance, control, and payment of charges. This practice covers customs and import compliance, export controls, trade disputes, and international business transactions.

We also advise our clients on many international trade issues, including on entering new markets, on legal risks associated with various business plans and strategies.

Our services in the field of customs regulation and foreign economic activity:

  • Advice on the export and import of goods and services;
  • Assistance in determining and confirming the customs value of goods;
  • Consultation on the classification of goods;
  • Assistance in the selection and compliance with the conditions of customs procedures;
  • Providing advice on export and currency control;
  • Assistance in ensuring the protection of intellectual property during the movement of goods across the customs border;
  • Ensuring legal support of customs procedures on issues: assessment and minimization of customs risks, structuring foreign trade transactions, protecting rights and legitimate interests in the implementation of customs control measures by customs authorities, compliance with prohibitions and restrictions;
  • Appeal against actions of customs authorities, including in court;
  • Legal protection of clients in disputes and disagreements with customs authorities, including when adjusting the customs value of goods;
  • Resolving return, additional charges and collection of customs duties;
  • Representation of clients when there is an unlawful refusal by the customs authorities to take actions and make decisions.

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